HIV/AIDs programming is one of the organization’s strategic areas of focus. It is targeting both affected and infected people through preventive, care and support interventions. AICCAD has successfully implemented a number of HIV/AIDs projects funded by different donors namely;
a. REK/Help A child Netherlands 2008-2010(Nairobi County)
Supported HIV project in Kibera slums and more than 30,000 target groups benefitted.
b. Red Cross /Global fund 2016-2017(Siaya County)
We were able to reach out to more than 15,000 youths (key population) in Siaya County.
c. CRS/USAID 2018-2022 Mwendo OVC project ( Kisumu County).
AICCAD is one of the local implementing partners (LIPs) for the USAID MWENDO OVC project which is a five-year cooperative agreement between United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Catholic Relief Services (CRS). The project is led by a consortium of three partners namely; Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Maestral International and Family AIDS Care and Education Services (Faces).
The project envisages improving the welfare and protection of children affected infected and affected by HIV and AIDS in Nyakach sub county Nyando sub county Muhoroni Sub County. AICCAD uses Case Management Approach to ensure comprehensive and holistic service provision to its beneficiaries. In collaboration with the County Health Management Teams, the Department of Children Services and other partners, AICCAD contributes to the HIV Continuum of care.
OVC Mwendo Area of coverage
This project is undertaken in Kisumu county in 13 wards;
• Ahero
• Awasi/Onjiko
• Central Nyakach
• East Kano/Wawidhi
• Kabonyo/Kanyagwal
• Kobura
• Masogo/Nyang’oma
• North Nyakach, Ombeyi
• South East Nyakach
• South West Nyakach
• West Nyakach, koru.